Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Introduction to Technology

  • Technology is the collection of techniquesskillsmethods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings.technology play a very important role in our life. now days technology makes your life much easier.

there are many types of technology such as computer technolgy,educational technology, communicational technology,medical technology,transport technology and many more. these technology are further discuss in below
Introduction to Technology

  • Impacts of Information Technology:-

  1.  POSITIVE IMPACTS:- INTERNET – Information is stored for easy access 
  2. NEGATIVE IMPACTS:- INTERNET – Harder to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources

  • Communication Technology:- is giving or exchanging information. Examples: Magazines, DVDs, photography, video games
  • Medical Technology:- creates tools to treat disease and injury. Examples: Lasers, prostheses, ultrasound, medications
  • Environmental Technology:- creates tools to minimize the effect of technology on the development of living things. Examples: Hybrid vehicles, conservation, waste management (recycling)
  • Transportation Technology:- Provides a way for people, animals, products, and materials to be moved from one place to the next. Examples: Flight – Airplane, rocket, space shuttle Land – Train, subway, automobile, bicycle Water – Commercial, cruise ships Non-vehicle – Conveyor belts, pipelines

SO, these are the some important technology which plays a very important role in our daily lifes

thank you,

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