Monday, 19 March 2018

What are the major difference between android and ios?

android vs ios image
android vs ios

What is Android  
  • Android is an operating system which is created by Google specifically which is used in devices. It is linux based. android Can be programmed in C/C++ but most app development is done in Java. application can be developed by the use of android studio. android studio is the application from where we can develop an app. 
  • It Supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 3G and 4G networking.
What is Ios

  • Ios is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc for phones (iPhone), tablets (iPad) and (iPod).It is based on BSD unix. 
  • It support bluetooth,wifi and 3G, 4G network.
App approval
  • For android os its is very quickly
  • For ios it has many restriction

Integrated Development Environment IDE

  • Android: Android development leverages the excellent JDT tools; Everything Java is indexed, the IDE has a rich model of the source code, and refactoring is seamless; JDT’s incremental compiler provides immediate feedback with errors and warnings as you type.
  •  IPhone: Xcode IDE, Instruments, iPhone simulator, frameworks and samples, compilers, Shark analysis tool, and etc.

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